Rige la magia en su vida, es gobernada por el encanto y el hechizo en su existencia.
Sobrevive cada adversidad, porque su corazón repleto de amor está.
No hay infortunio, ni desgracia que cruce su camino, ella sigue las pistas e indicios del destino con gran delicadeza y mucha sutileza. Lleva puesta su peineta de sabiduría y así navega por su escogida senda y vía, tropezando con óbices y rémoras, pero incorporándose de nuevo con gigantesca energía. Su travesía es inacabable, su fe inquebrantable, sus pasos lejos de una fatalidad, ella atrae ingeniosidad con cada paso que da. Y gana experiencia con cada itinerario y ruta, aumenta su conocimiento a través de su observación y sin haber cambiado palabra, no hay compromiso aquí a solas en este paraíso.
Siempre que ella decisiones tiene que tomar, sale a la naturaleza
a buscar compás. Adora su beldad en ella siempre encuentra su paz.
The magic governs in her life, it is governed by the delight and the charm in her existence. She survives every adversity, because her heart is repleted with love.
There is neither adversity, nor misfortune that crosses her way, she continues the tracks and indications of the destination with big delicacy and much sharpness. She wears her knowledge ornamental comb and this way she sails along her selected footpath and route, stumbling over impediments and hindrances, but joining again with gigantic energy.
Her passage is interminable, her faith unbreakable, her steps far from a fatality, she attracts cleverness with every step that she does. And she gains experience with every itinerary and route, her knowledge increases across her observation and without having changed a word, there is no commitment here alone in this paradise.
Whenever she has to take decisions, she goes out to the nature to look for compass. She adores its beauty in it she always finds her peace.
The magic governs in her life, it is governed by the delight and the charm in her existence. She survives every adversity, because her heart is repleted with love.
There is neither adversity, nor misfortune that crosses her way, she continues the tracks and indications of the destination with big delicacy and much sharpness. She wears her knowledge ornamental comb and this way she sails along her selected footpath and route, stumbling over impediments and hindrances, but joining again with gigantic energy.
Her passage is interminable, her faith unbreakable, her steps far from a fatality, she attracts cleverness with every step that she does. And she gains experience with every itinerary and route, her knowledge increases across her observation and without having changed a word, there is no commitment here alone in this paradise.
Whenever she has to take decisions, she goes out to the nature to look for compass. She adores its beauty in it she always finds her peace.
by So Sunny
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