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Mostrando entradas de mayo 8, 2023

The evil clan/ El clan de los malvados/Il clan dei malvagi

She is beautiful and her heart was fragile and brittle from so much pain she endured in the past. Her silent cries were shocking. No one was able to hear her sobs. Her soul had become vulnerable and no longer trusted any earthly being. Caught between her own shadows and the hoaxes of the funeral people. A thousand stories had been told about her, but none of it was true. Gossip and idle talk.  She belonged to the legion of the guerrillas of love and God was everything to her. Even if her heart was troubled, she knew that she had the protection of the Divine Creator and that in the end made her the strongest in the face of the clan of the wicked. Little by little she left behind the murkiness and the endless sleepless nights. Her regenerated heart was beating again with euphoria. His healthy mind offered him the longed-for peace and at night no one was able to take over his sleep. Es bella y su corazón era frágil y quebradizo de tanto dolor que soportó en un pasado. Sus gritos silencios

Smile at life/ Sonríele a la vida/ Sorridere alla vita

Never look back, for those black clouds in the present are no more. And dance with the waves to the beat, so you'll never tire of this life.  And live with devotion, that's how the script works.  Seek your peace in the day to day, so you'll leap with joy.  Only count the here and now, so no one cries. My free spirit, that's how I want it to vibrate. Love opens all paths, even if there are different destinations. Wake up in case there's a knock on your door, it could be the king of kings and you'll be left speechless. The pleasure of life is to enjoy every minute, and to be happy always and in the raw. Nothing more to say, never let yourself be destroyed. Nunca mires hacia atrás, pues esas nubes negras en el presente ya no están. Y baila con las olas al compás, así nunca de esta vida te cansarás.  Y vive con devoción, así funciona el guion.  Busca tu paz en el día a día, para así brincar con alegría.  Solo cuenta el aquí y ahora, de este modo nadie llora. Mi espí