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Mostrando entradas de junio 8, 2023

Their hearts would never be in mourning/ Sus corazones jamás estarían de luto/I loro cuori non avrebbero mai pianto

On the other side of paradise was he, she was lucky, fearless and with a dose of madness. They liked to break the rules, their desire for adventure was awakened at every encounter. Their love was priceless, only precious feelings. An indestructible love, they were not iron but rather cotton wool lovers. A love that was completely out of the ordinary. They chose whom to love. In silence they confessed their adoration. They cried their hearts out, they were in an incessant party. They didn't betray each other, lies had no place in their chests. There was only evidence of love.  Years of love awaited them. They were not rushing too fast. Everything in its own time. Although their pulses quickened every time they met each other's eyes, they kissed ardently. They never lived in monotony and stole each other's caresses in a battle of embraces. She gave him her skin.  Time passed and there they were with the same expression on their faces, a radiant smile. They had fulfilled the c

Faith in the beauty of life/ La fe en la belleza de la vida/Fede nella bellezza della vita

His concentration was nil, disturbed by unhealthy thoughts, which in turn caused a lump in his throat and an abnormal pleasure. Her head was a perpetual scenario. She imagined herself carefree, with the reappearance of her radiant smile and mental relief. Her request to life was not unfeasible, the only thing she cried out for was to be happy, nothing more. She dared to dream of a noble, funny, adventurous man, ready to bring down the stars from the sky, a man who would really caress her soul. But it would probably only be a chimera. She sometimes convinced herself that her life was not going to take a good course and that her heart would never be able to expose all the love it held. Her inner self was sometimes a frenzied chaos, a wild place that no one could calm. Many had loved her, but apart from a few faithful moments of infatuation, or rather cajolery, she hadn't felt it. She longed for that real, authentic, immortal love. She begged again and again; perhaps she was not worth