His vice was lying, his companion was falsehood. In a sea of slander he was the commander. He was the only one who was convinced of his words, he was the fantastic one. He knew that, if he followed this course, he would lose his people, yet he continued with his theatre, on stage as the only actor and without an audience. The day would come when he would notice the absence of his loved ones. Liars have very short legs and you catch them quickly. He killed you slowly with his fictitious words, poisoned your soul with unreal stories and destroyed all hope. He lived in his world of inventions and didn't try to hide, he lived in the open. Lügen war sein Laster, Falschheit seine ständige Begleiterin. Als Kommandant in einem Meer von Verleumdungen stand er allein. Der Einzige, der seinen Worten Glauben schenkte, war er selbst – der Fantast. Er wusste, dass er seine Leute verlieren würde, wenn er diesen Weg weiterging, doch er spielte weiterhin sein Theater, allein auf der Bühne, ohne Zus
Ésta es la historia de una muchacha ilusionada. Se desvive por el Amor y la Vida, está en constante lucha de no perderse en la desesperación del tiempo y escribe poesía y sus historias!!!