Escucha al silencio, el te incita a la paciencia. Asombroso es que cuando estás en absoluta calma una armonía recorre tu cuerpo para tranquilizarte y causarte placer interior. Basta con un estado sosegado para recuperar energía.
Atiende a las señales, si necesitas reposar y descansar, tómate tu tiempo,
no eres una máquina, tampoco un robot diseñado para la hiperactividad,
eres un ser humano con imperfecciones, pero con capacidades.
Uno se altera en cuanto se proyecta al futuro, p.e. algunas insignificancias: "aún me queda por hacer esto, no me va a dar tiempo y no lo voy a conseguir, tengo que acudir a esta cita, tengo la casa patas arriba, la compra no está hecha, el jefe metiendo bulla, por Dios me quedo sin gasolina, no puedo atender a tanta gente a la vez, los testigos de Jehova llamando a la puerta..." y otras miles de circunstancias más.
No te estrelles contra la pared, no te mates antes de tiempo.
Realmente el estrés le gusta provocar caos en nuestras cabecitas,
pero no debemos caer en su juego, iescapa de su trampa!
A ver, ¿ganas algo en irritarte?
Tú estado no cambia en nada la situación, al contrario se ocupa de empeorarla.
Si aceptáramos las situaciones tal como se presentan, nos ahorraríamos energía y fuerza. De nada vale lamentarse, haz lo que tengas que hacer sin clamor. Una persona puede hacer lo imposible, siempre cuando tenga su mente bien estructurada, tenga la valentía de enfrentar adversidades y logre conservar su energía en tiempos delicados.
Los infortunios, agotamiento, el nerviosismo y el malestar son pasajeros,
todo pasa, pasa el tiempo.
Listen to the silence, it incites you to patience. It is astonishing that when you are in absolute calm, a harmony runs through your body to calm you and give you inner pleasure. A calm state is enough to restore your energy.
Listen to the signs, if you need to rest and rest, take your time,
you are not a machine, nor a robot designed for hyperactivity,
You are a human being with imperfections, but with capabilities.
You get upset as soon as you project yourself into the future, e.g. some insignificant things: "I still have to do this, I won't have time and I'm not going to make it, I have to go to this appointment, the house is upside down, the shopping is not done, the boss is making a fuss, by God I'm running out of petrol, I can't attend to so many people at the same time, Jehovah's witnesses are knocking at the door..." and thousands of other circumstances.
Calm down! Calm down! Don't get overexcited, calm down!
Don't crash into the wall, don't kill yourself before your time.
Stress really likes to cause chaos in our little heads,
but we mustn't fall into its game, escape its trap!
Let's see, do you gain anything by getting irritated?
Your state doesn't change the situation at all, on the contrary, it makes it worse.
If we would accept situations as they are, we would save energy and strength. There is no point in complaining, do what you have to do without clamour. A person can do the impossible, as long as he has a well-structured mind, has the courage to face adversity and manages to conserve his energy in difficult times.
Misfortunes, exhaustion, nervousness and discomfort are temporary,
everything passes, time passes.
by So Sunny
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