Herramientas para la vida.
Destaca en humildad y bondad, es importante llevar una existencia modesta.
Traspasa tus limitaciones, tus límites, siempre y cuando sean para un cambio a mejora.
Emite e irradia durante toda tu conducta vital, notable gratitud, desgasta tu voz, repitiendo una y otra vez la palabra mágica, "GRACIAS".
Es de mayor importancia sentir una libertad total, puesto que la dependencia te restringe, te limita y no te deja avanzar.
Reza, ora e invoca, si es necesario.
Sé sincero y transparente, así no sembrarás jamás disturbio en tu conciencia.
Conserva ese toque especial de locura en tu corazón, mantén vivo ese niño travieso con toda pasión.
Dedícale tiempo a la meditación y reflexión, te ayudará a tomar correctas decisiones.
Busca e indaga tu paz interior, tu equilibrio mental, el sosiego del alma.
Sal a la calle y déjate sorprender por todas las maravillas existentes,
explora la beldad y hermosura y sé consciente con los ojos bien abiertos.
Sé valiente, pasional, sencillo, curioso, alegre, bondadoso, creativo,
fiel, amoroso, cariñoso, noble, espontáneo, natural, franco, prudente,
amigable, respetuoso, discreto, fuerte y feliz
Tools for life.
Arm yourself with self-confidence, it is paramount and of prime necessity for survival.
Stand out in humility and kindness, it is important to lead a modest existence.
Transcend your limitations, your limits, as long as they are for a change for the better.
Emit and radiate throughout your vital conduct, remarkable gratitude, wear out your voice, repeating over and over again the magic word, "THANK YOU".
It is of the utmost importance to feel total freedom, for dependence restricts you, limits you and keeps you from moving forward.
Pray, pray and invoke, if necessary.
Be sincere and transparent, so that you will never sow disturbance in your conscience.
Keep that special touch of madness in your heart, keep that naughty child alive with all passion.
Spend time in meditation and reflection, it will help you to make the right decisions.
Seek and search for your inner peace, your mental balance, the calmness of the soul.
Go out into the street and be amazed by all the wonders that exist,
explore the beauty and loveliness and be aware with your eyes wide open.
Be courageous, passionate, simple, curious, joyful, kind, creative,
faithful, loving, affectionate, noble, spontaneous, natural, frank, prudent,
friendly, respectful, discreet, strong and happy.
and above all: "Always be You".
by So Sunny
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