Ella encontró una salida de ese laberinto nefasto.
Cada vez que se producían recuerdos, le provocaban náuseas y nerviosismo.
Había estado estancada por tantos años y sin saber que la respuesta estaba en su interior. Vivía una carcel amorosa, desconocía que sus sentimientos sólo eran unilaterales. Quizá ella lo intuía, pero no quiso reconocerlo, hasta que un día unos ojos verdes cruzaron su camino y el destino sopló a su favor. Conoció a ese hombre de mirada tan bondadosa y sus pesadillas amatorias desvanecieron.
Él se convirtió en su protector, defensor y él fue capaz de estallar su sólido caparazón y transmutarlo en un robusto escudo.
Ese laberinto era un lugar formado de sentimientos confusos.
Gracias a ese humilde libertador y maravilloso conquistador, ella nuevamente sentía que su mente, alma y cuerpo en armonía estaban.
She found an exit of this pernicious labyrinth. Whenever memories were taking place, they were provoking her nauseas and nervousness. She had been suspended so many years and without knowing that the answer was in her interior.
She was living through an affectionate jail, since she was not knowing that her feelings were only unilateral. Perhaps she was knowing it by intuition, but she didn´t want to recognize it, until one day green eyes crossed her way and the destination blew in her favour. She met this man of so kind look and her amorous nightmares dispelled.
He turned into her protector, defender and he was capable of exploding her solid shell and of transmuting it into a robust shield.
This labyrinth was a formed place of confused feelings.
Thanks to this humble one deliverer and wonderful conqueror, she felt again that her mind, soul and body in harmony were.
by So Sunny
Cada vez que se producían recuerdos, le provocaban náuseas y nerviosismo.
Había estado estancada por tantos años y sin saber que la respuesta estaba en su interior. Vivía una carcel amorosa, desconocía que sus sentimientos sólo eran unilaterales. Quizá ella lo intuía, pero no quiso reconocerlo, hasta que un día unos ojos verdes cruzaron su camino y el destino sopló a su favor. Conoció a ese hombre de mirada tan bondadosa y sus pesadillas amatorias desvanecieron.
Él se convirtió en su protector, defensor y él fue capaz de estallar su sólido caparazón y transmutarlo en un robusto escudo.
Ese laberinto era un lugar formado de sentimientos confusos.
Gracias a ese humilde libertador y maravilloso conquistador, ella nuevamente sentía que su mente, alma y cuerpo en armonía estaban.
She found an exit of this pernicious labyrinth. Whenever memories were taking place, they were provoking her nauseas and nervousness. She had been suspended so many years and without knowing that the answer was in her interior.
She was living through an affectionate jail, since she was not knowing that her feelings were only unilateral. Perhaps she was knowing it by intuition, but she didn´t want to recognize it, until one day green eyes crossed her way and the destination blew in her favour. She met this man of so kind look and her amorous nightmares dispelled.
He turned into her protector, defender and he was capable of exploding her solid shell and of transmuting it into a robust shield.
This labyrinth was a formed place of confused feelings.
Thanks to this humble one deliverer and wonderful conqueror, she felt again that her mind, soul and body in harmony were.
by So Sunny
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