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Alma enferma/ Sick soul

Estamos capacitados para enfrentar la vida fácilmente, hay gente que tiene que sobrevivir a una guerra y no tienen escapatoria, nosotros sólo tenemos que lidiar con nuestra rutina diaria. Hay muchos que gustan huir de la cotidianeidad, porque piensan que viven en exceso de estrés y exentos de paz y quietud. No saben valorar su valioso tiempo y siempre se inclinan hacía la queja, todo les parece inservible, inadecuado, sufren de amargura y lo peor a veces es, que logran contagiar a las personas a su alrededor con su dolencia nociva. Esas personas tan negativas están a tiempo para despertar de su mundo repleto de aflicción, porque esa no es la realidad.

Se caracterizan por mal humor y turbia vista hacía el futuro. Se olvidaron por completo de sonreírle a la vida, sonreírle a sus corazones. No hay lugar para felicidad, no hay tiempo para respirar, todo es un permanente ajetreo contra reloj. Definitivamente no se puede vivir así. Esas personas deben cambiar de actitud por su propio bienestar, puesto que conduce a un desgarro interior.
Y cuando tu alma enferma, tu cuerpo también lo hace.
Qué vida tan desesperante...

We are able to face life easily, there are people who have to survive a war and have no escape, we just have to deal with our daily routine. There are many who like to escape from everyday life, because they think they live in excess of stress and devoid of peace and quiet. They do not know how to value their valuable time and always lean towards complaining, everything seems useless, inadequate, they suffer from bitterness and the worst thing is sometimes, they manage to infect the people around them with their harmful ailment. Such negative people are in time to wake up from their world full of grief, because that is not the reality.

They are characterized by a bad mood and a murky view of the future. They completely forgot to smile at life, smile at their hearts. There is no room for happiness, no time to breathe, everything is a constant hustle and bustle against the clock. You definitely can't live like this. Such people must change their attitude for their own well-being, as it leads to an inner tear.
And when your soul is sick, so does your body.
What a desperate life. . .

by So Sunny


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