Pasó una mala racha, algunas pesadillas.
Se sentía presa de la soledad, había perdido su voluntad.
Andaba cabizbaja.
Reinaba la tristeza en su cabeza.
Experimentaba rechazo y repudio,
se consideraba su propia esclava.
Su mundo a la deriva estaba y la lucha ella abandonaba.
Un mar de lágrimas formaba gran parte de su día, ya apenas disfrutaba con la luz del día.
Y entre sombras y oscuridad ella decidía,
que era necesario cambiar el rumbo de su agonía.
Decidió acompañar a la puerta su pasado,
decirle adiós a su calvario, expulsar la negatividad y pasividad,
y optar de nuevo por la felicidad.
Fue un cambio radical para ella,
despertó a tiempo, recobró sus ganas de vivir.
Día tras día ella iba recuperando su sonrisa, ahora eso exactamente era su premisa.
Y con cada amanecer, ella de nuevo tenía elementos por agradecer.
En su pecho de nuevo florecía la esperanza, en su corazón se extendía la confianza,
poco a poco gobernaba la templanza. Y dejaba atrás toda la tiniebla sufrida, para iniciar una nueva vida. Porque un mal episodio lo tiene cualquiera, porque a veces tropezamos y la caída es brutal, lo que realmente cuenta, es saber salir del bache psíquico,
no capitular, no dejarse amedrentar, ni intimar.
Después de cada cielo cubierto y su nubosidad, hay un sol para radiar.
He has unfinished business in life.
She went through a bad patch, some nightmares.
She felt lonely, she had lost her will.
She walked with her head down.
Sadness reigned in her head.
She experienced rejection and repudiation,
she considered herself her own slave.
Her world was adrift and the struggle she was giving up.
A sea of tears formed a large part of her day, she hardly enjoyed the light of day anymore.
And between shadows and darkness she decided,
that it was necessary to change the course of her agony.
She decided to accompany her past to the door,
to say goodbye to her ordeal, to expel negativity and passivity,
and opt again for happiness.
It was a radical change for her,
she woke up in time, regained her will to live.
Day after day she was regaining her smile, now that was exactly her premise.
And with each sunrise, she again had something to be grateful for.
Hope blossomed in her breast again, confidence spread in her heart,
little by little temperance ruled. And she left behind all the darkness she had suffered, to begin a new life. Because anyone can have a bad episode, because sometimes we stumble and the fall is brutal, what really counts is to know how to get out of the psychic rut,
not to capitulate, not to be intimidated or intimidated.
After every overcast sky and its cloudiness, there is a sun to radiate.
by So Sunny
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