Mi canción favorita es su despertar matinal en mi cama. La melodía en sus palabras y esa sonrisa ancha que se distribuye por todo su rostro, hacen que cada amanecer sea especial y único. Me encanta disfrutar con ella los desayunos, compartir al rayar el alba y contentarme con las primeras miradas que son flamantes y muy complacientes. Poseemos una especie de complicidad bien fabulosa, muy sorprendente. Jamás me había ocurrido con otra persona, vivo con ella muchas 'primeras veces' y es fascinante el cambio que produce en mí. Somos de espaciosos horizontes. Siento una enorme estabilidad a su lado, un equilibrio emocional increíble y lo más importante es, la confianza que me transmite. Puedo ser yo a cada momento, en todos los aspectos. No es necesario fingir algo que no soy. No sé cómo ocurrió, pero así se acontece.
Ella no lastima mi libertad y yo respeto la suya.
Nuestros espíritus son semejantes, nuestras ideas compatibles.
No me canso de su presencia, ahora ella es parte de mi existencia.
Y aún hay capítulos por escribir, libros por redactar. Un futuro juntos por descubrir, sueños por convertir. Y así día a día nos vamos conociendo un poco más, manifiesto sentimientos que un día prometí no mostrar.
Gracias por enriquecer mi vida, gracias por toda la alegría y felicidad que me causas.
Gracias por enriquecer mi vida, gracias por toda la alegría y felicidad que me causas.
My favorite song is his morning awakening in my bed.
The melody in his words and this wide smile that is distributed by all his face, they do that every dawn is special and unique.
I like to enjoy with her the breakfasts, to share on having infuriated the dawn and having been satisfied with the first looks that are flaming and very complaisant. We possess a species of quite fabulous, very surprising complicity. It had never occurred with another person, I live with her many 'first times' and it is fascinating the change that it produces in me. We are of spacious horizons. I feel an enormous stability next to you, an incredible emotional balance and the most important thing is, the confidence that he transmits me. It is me who can be all the time, in all the aspects. It is not necessary to feign anything that I am not. I do not know how it happened, but this way one happens.
She does not hurt my freedom and I respect his. Our spirits are similar, our compatible ideas. I do not get tired of her presence, now she is a part of my existence. And there are still chapters for writing, books for writing. A future together for discovering, sleep for turning. And this way every day we know each other a little more, I show feelings that one day I promised not to show.
Thanks for enriching my life, thanks for the whole happiness and happiness that you cause me.
by So Sunny
My favorite song is his morning awakening in my bed.
The melody in his words and this wide smile that is distributed by all his face, they do that every dawn is special and unique.
I like to enjoy with her the breakfasts, to share on having infuriated the dawn and having been satisfied with the first looks that are flaming and very complaisant. We possess a species of quite fabulous, very surprising complicity. It had never occurred with another person, I live with her many 'first times' and it is fascinating the change that it produces in me. We are of spacious horizons. I feel an enormous stability next to you, an incredible emotional balance and the most important thing is, the confidence that he transmits me. It is me who can be all the time, in all the aspects. It is not necessary to feign anything that I am not. I do not know how it happened, but this way one happens.
She does not hurt my freedom and I respect his. Our spirits are similar, our compatible ideas. I do not get tired of her presence, now she is a part of my existence. And there are still chapters for writing, books for writing. A future together for discovering, sleep for turning. And this way every day we know each other a little more, I show feelings that one day I promised not to show.
Thanks for enriching my life, thanks for the whole happiness and happiness that you cause me.
by So Sunny
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