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Mujer de un solo hombre/ Wife just of one man

El viento columpiaba su pelo cuando se movía por las calles. Ella tenía algo magnético, porque captaba las miradas de la gente hacia su figura y rostro. Ella tenía su propia gracia, sus pasos y el movimiento de caderas eran pura seducción. Y aunque iba vestida se sentía desnuda al apreciar las ojeadas de la masa. 

Pero eso no la descolocaba, porque sabía que ella era mujer de un solo hombre. Él le tenía plena confianza y disfrutaba cuando ella le contaba de sus halagos y sus inocentes cruces de miradas con otros hombres. Para él ella era todo, su reina, su pasión, su vida. Estaban hechos uno para el otro y disfrutaban juntos compartiendo su tiempo, horas, minutos y segundos. 

No habían obstáculos, ni riñas, era amor del bueno y se perdían en la naturaleza para desconectar y respirar aire puro. 
Dejaban atrás la cuidad y su insoportable ruido que estaba causando intranquilidad y estaba perturbando el silencio.  

The wind was swinging her hair when she was moving through the streets. 

She had something magnetic, because she was receiving the looks of the people on her figure and face. She had her own grace, her steps and the movement of hips were pure seduction. And although she was dressed she was feeling naked on having appreciated the glimpses of the mass. 

But that was not messing up her, because she knew that she was a wife of only one man. He had full faith and enjoyed when she was telling him of her sweet talk and her innocent crossings of looks with other men. For him she was everything, his queen, his passion, his life. They were done one for other and enjoyed sharing their time, hours, minutes and seconds. 

There were neither obstacles, nor tiffs, it was a love of the good one and whenever they could they were getting lost in the nature to disconnect and to breathe pure air.
They were leaving the city behind and its unbearable noise which was causing racket and was disturbing the silence.

by So Sunny


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