Ese vampiro chupa energía para convertirla en fragancias de amor. Para entregarte flores de primavera y un aliento de optimismo. Vuela cada vez más alto y desde el cielo esparce buenas vibraciones. Aparece cuando menos te lo esperas, pegándote mordisquítos para invadirte de placer. Si le permites beber de tus frutos, te transformas en un ser similar.
This vampire absorbs energy to turn it into love fragrances. To deliver to you spring flowers and an optimism breath. It flies higher and higher and from the sky it intersperses good vibrations. It appears when less you wait to yourself for it, sticking litlle bites to invade you of pleasing. If you allow him to drink from your fruits, you transform yourself into a similar being.
This vampire absorbs energy to turn it into love fragrances. To deliver to you spring flowers and an optimism breath. It flies higher and higher and from the sky it intersperses good vibrations. It appears when less you wait to yourself for it, sticking litlle bites to invade you of pleasing. If you allow him to drink from your fruits, you transform yourself into a similar being.
by So Sunny
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