Especialmente por las noches le invade la tristeza, pena y el desconsuelo.
Vive múltiples noches de soledad con mucha agonía.
Durante el día pretende ser fuerte, pone a mal tiempo buena cara y nadie llega a imaginarse su tortura nocturna.
Su interior lo domina la amargura, no tiene atisbo de
esperanza, ni fe ni confianza, tampoco ninguna aspiración.
Prevalece en su desengaño, insiste en su desilusión y frustración. Es un pobre diablo, sus amistades le abandonaron hace tiempo y familia le queda poca. Mira al cielo y rompe a llorar, lo único valioso que poseía ahí arriba está, se la arrancaron de sus brazos, su amada que le observa día a día.
Especially in the nights he is invaded by the sadness, sorrow and distress.
He lives through multiple nights of solitude with a lot of agony.
During the day he tries to be strong, he has to look on the bright side of things and nobody is capable to imagine his night torture.
His interior is dominated by the bitterness, he has no glimmer of hope, neither faith nor confidence, nor aspiration.
He prevails in his disappointment, insists on his disillusion and frustration. He is a poor devil, his friends left him some time ago and he has less family.
He looks at the sky and starts to cry, the only valuable thing that he was possessing there above it is, she was snatched away of his arms, his paramour who observes him day by day.
by So Sunny
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