Nada sigue funcionando con normalidad. Mi nerviosismo parece abrumar fuertemente mi pecho, no hallo la forma de tranquilizarme.
A veces me falta la respiración y temo asfixiarme.
Es una mezcla de dolor, tormento, tortura y desengaño lo que siento y que no sé controlar ni dominar. ¿Fue todo por su parte un juego sucio, traicionero y ruin?
Me cuesta creer que sólo me haya usado como un juguete para su propio bienestar, me cuesta pensar que haya sido un frio calculador, un manipulador de sentimientos.
En su día me mostró su más dulce cara, su más cariñoso y afectuoso comportamiento.
Y es que no logro comprender esta extraña y sospechosa situación, de un momento al siguiente todo cambió. Me hundo, me derrumbo con su rechazo, trato de encontrar alguna excusa para sus actos, puesto que la incertidumbre, la duda e inquietud me está matando. Sufro sus graves consecuencias, sus precipitadas decisiones.
Me deprimo, me entristece su silencio, pero a la vista está que a él no le importa mi pena, mi sufrimiento, mi existente aflicción.
Aparenta ser toda una locura por su parte, él se esconde, se oculta, no le importa que yo recupere la confianza en él. Estoy confusa, desesperada por recibir noticias suyas,
angustiada por su bienestar, ansiosa y atormentada. Qué trago tan amargo el que me toca vivir durante su ausencia. Me consideraba mujer privilegiada y ser único a su vera
y ahora me trata como si fuere su enemiga mortal. Todo apoyo y toda comprensión se desvaneció, todo lo bello se esfumó, quedó un gran vacío, una gran desilusión, una eterna decepción.
"Te convertiste en hombre cruel, inhumano, duro y terco al mismo tiempo. "
De veras que no sé cuál fue mi error, no sé qué hice mal, nada tiene sentido en este mar de preguntas. ¡Me ahogo!
No entiendo por qué me niegas la entrada a tu vida, no entiendo cómo pudiste quebrantar todo lo que sentía yo por ti, no entiendo este cambio radical, no entiendo tu abandono,
¡no entiendo nada!
Nothing continues to function normally. My nervousness seems to overwhelm my chest heavily, I can't find a way to calm down.
Sometimes I'm short of breath and I'm afraid of suffocating.
It's a mixture of pain, torment, torture and disappointment that I feel and that I can't control or master. Was it all a dirty, treacherous and dastardly game on his part?
I find it hard to believe that he only used me as a toy for his own well-being, I find it hard to believe that he was a cold calculator, a manipulator of feelings.
Once he showed me his sweetest face, his most loving and affectionate behaviour.
And now he is cold and distant, he shuns me, avoids me and dodges all attempts on my part. I can't deny that he consumes me inside, he exhausts me, he slowly destroys me. I trusted him, I trusted his promises, every word he said, I trusted every oath of love.
I can't understand this strange and suspicious situation, from one moment to the next everything has changed. I sink, I collapse with his rejection, I try to find some excuse for his actions, since uncertainty, doubt and uneasiness are killing me. I suffer its dire consequences, its rash decisions.
I am depressed, I am saddened by his silence, but it is obvious that he does not care about my grief, my suffering, my existing affliction.
It seems to be all madness on his part, he hides, he hides, he doesn't care if I regain confidence in him. I am confused, desperate to hear from him,
anxious for his welfare, anxious and tormented. What a bitter pill to swallow in his absence. I considered myself a privileged woman and a unique being at his side
and now he treats me as if I were his mortal enemy.
All support and understanding vanished, all beauty vanished, a great emptiness, a great disillusionment, an eternal disappointment.
"You became cruel, inhuman, hard and stubborn at the same time. "
I really don't know what my mistake was, I don't know what I did wrong, nothing makes sense in this sea of questions. I'm drowning!
I don't understand why you deny me entrance to your life, I don't understand how you could break everything that I felt for you, I don't understand this radical change, I don't understand your abandonment,
I don't understand anything!
by So Sunny
... y lentamente el "no entiendo" nos consume el alma, junto con aquel mini infarto que no para de ahogar los sueños.
ResponderEliminarFelicitaciones, esta delicioso tu blog!
Gracias por tu comentario Carlos Andrés, me encantó.
ResponderEliminarAl "no entiendo" le siguen miles de perforadoras preguntas, quebradero de cabeza incluído.