En profundo silencio y a la espera de algún gesto por su parte,
ella trata de levantar ánimos para aceptar su presente decisión.
Él desea un corazón libre de angustia; un corazón libre de autotortura,
necesita paz, mucha paz.
Ella sigue sufriendo por él, pues la ignora por alguna razón desconocida.
¡Linda memoria, qué pronto olvidaste!
¡Amistad fugitiva, Amor pesimista!
Él está convencido que no le conviene.
Ella convencida de lo contrario, sigue en la lucha de no perderle a su lado.
Se niega rotundamente a entender su retirada. Le duele su indiferencia y se pregunta cómo lograr llamar su atención entre tanta tormenta. Ella usa cualquier medio para llegar de nuevo a su corazón, parece ser que ya no quiere compartir esa mente brillante con ella.
No comprende lo que ocurre, puesto que en su día se hicieron promesas...
¡Debe ser que el viento se llevó las palabras!
Y ahora toca ser paciente y esperar a que pronto acuda a ella, porque a pesar de su desprecio, ella quiere a ese hombre.
En su día le regaló un viaje cargado de magia sin preocupaciones...
Le mueve el deseo de que recapacite y un día vuelva hacía ella.
- Porque es imposible olvidarlo -
In deep silence and waiting for some gesture from him,
she tries to raise the courage to accept his present decision.
He desires a heart free of anguish; a heart free of self-torture,
he needs peace, much peace.
She sees no solution, she gets no sign from him....
She still suffers for him, for he ignores her for some unknown reason.
Nice memory, how soon you forget!
Fugitive friendship, pessimistic Love!
He is convinced that it doesn't suit him.
She, convinced of the contrary, continues to struggle not to lose him by her side.
She flatly refuses to understand his withdrawal. She is hurt by his indifference and wonders how to get his attention in such a storm. She uses any means to get back into his heart, it seems that she no longer wants to share that brilliant mind with him.
She doesn't understand what's going on, since they once made promises to each other?
It must be that the wind has taken the words!
And now she has to be patient and wait for him to come to her soon, because despite his contempt, she loves this man.
In her day she gave him a journey full of carefree magic...
She is moved by the wish that he will come to his senses and one day return to her.
- Because it is impossible to forget him -
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