para enloquecerme
y le agradezco el aroma que dejó
sobre mi piel.
Noches legendarias yo disfruté,
prodigioso tiempo,
no quiero que nunca me falte,
no prescindiré de él.
Su compañia es mi lujo,
con él yo estoy en el séptimo cielo,
volando sobre una nubecita de algodón
y no le tengo miedo a la caída,
pues él me abraza en el vuelo.
Puso patas arriba mi vida,
todo solía tener su orden,
ahora reina el caos en mi mente
y un descontrol sentimental,
un enredo emocional,
pero causa placer cada segundo.
No lo trocaría por nada en el mundo.
Me hace vibrar y temblar de deleite,
me sorprende y me maravilla con su ser.
Tiene una elegancia especial,
un don para halagar
y una gran habilidad para
rozar mi alma.
Quédate conmigo para construir
un mismo destino.
I am grateful to him for his words, I am grateful to him for his facility to go mad and I am grateful to him for the aroma that he left on my skin. Legendary nights I enjoyed, prodigious time, I do not want that I lack ever, I will not do without him. His company is my luxury, with him I am in the seventh sky, flying on a cotton cloudlet and I am not afraid to the fall, since he embraces me in the flight. He put upside down my life, everything usually had his order, now the chaos reigns in my mind and a sentimental lack of control, an emotional entanglement, but it causes pleasure every second. I would not change him for anything in this world. He makes me vibrate and tremble with delight, he surprises me and he astonishes me with his being. He has a special elegance, a gift to please and a big skill for rubbing my soul. Remain with me to construct the same destination.
by So Sunny
by So Sunny
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