El barco de la alegría acude a su puerto idóneo.
Tras un viaje por las olas de felicidad muestra convicción y
amor por cada gotita salada que forma parte de un extenso mar.
El oleaje le sirve de guía,
más las estrellas son su bella rutina.
para no naufragar, para no derrumbarse y no hundirse,
sino para llegar a su destino a salvo.
Disfruta el periplo acuático y no se cansa de navegar
por el océano de sueños,
ahí nadie molesta ni interrumpe el silencio.
Todo fluye. Una vez echado anclas, pisando tierra el barco de la alegría acude a su puerto idóneo.
Hasta su próxima partida sobre olas de felicidad
y gotitas saladas.
The ship of the happiness comes to its suitable port.
After a trip through the waves of happiness it shows conviction and love for every salty droplet that is part of an extensive sea.
The swell serves to him as guide, more the stars are its beautiful routine.
In every dawn the little ship shines on the water,
it enjoys the calmness and arms itself for a next day,
for not to be wrecked, not to collapse and not to sink,
but to come to its safe destination.
It enjoys the aquatic circumnavigation and does not get tired of sailing
through the dream ocean,
there nobody bothers nor interrupts the silence.
Everything flows.
Once thrown anchors, treading on ground the ship of the happiness
comes to its suitable port.
Up to its next departure on happiness waves and salty droplets.
by So Sunny
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