Ella hallaba su felicidad
en sus toques y
en sus toques y
roces enloquecedores,
en sus caricias afectuosas,
en sus miradas seductoras.
Se derretía de emoción con
sus besos fogosos,
y sus excitados suspiros.
No hay forma de
separarse de él,
domina sus sentidos,
él tiene su mente hechizada.
Su corazón consintió esa aventura,
ella dijo sí a la locura y ahora se
encuentra en un mar de placer
Le regala su cuerpo,
mente y alma,
él es dueño de su reino.
Pierden la razón mientras
se aman y funden sus
Espiran elegancia,
inspiran amor y
suspiran en silencio un
lindo dulzor.
Ellos se adoran,
y disfrutan su fulgor.
Son almas inseparables,
existe fiel vinculación y
su existencia es toda
una atracción.
Ellos son libres,
se vive un amor independiente,
les maneja una mente abierta
y eso es todo lo que cuenta.
She was finding her happiness in his touches and maddening rubbings, in his affectionate caresses, in his seductive looks. She got melting of emotion with his fiery kisses, his ardent language and his excited sighs.
There is no form to separate of him, he dominates her senses, he has bewitched her mind. Her heart withstood this adventure, she said yes to the madness and now she finds herself in a uncontrollable pleasure sea .
She gives him her body, mind and soul, he is the proprietor of her kingdom.
They lose the reason while they love each other and melt their spirits.
They exhale elegance, they inspire love and they sigh in silence one pretty sweetness.
They adore themselves, and they enjoy its brilliancy.
They are inseparable souls, there exists a faithful link and their existence is quite an attraction.
They are free, one lives through an independent love, an open mind handles them and this is everything what counts
by So Sunny
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