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Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2021


Mi amor hacia él es algo hipnótico. Brinca mi corazón cuando le pienso. Mi ser llora lágrimas de júbilo cuando le imagino. En la distancia siento su amparo. Siento como él protege cada célula de mi cuepo. Yo le rezo en el día y en todas las noches. Intento ser guerrera de puro corazón, con alma trascendente y mirada profunda, ahora veo con claridad.  Nació en mí un nuevo ser. Nunca antes había estado tan consciente. Mi pantalla mental está en modalidad de reposo. Ahora mis pensamientos son cabales, sólo hago uso de ellos en reflexiones y sólo cuando es necesario. El resto del tiempo me divierto con mi consciencia, percibo paz absoluta y serenidad abismal mientras estoy despierta. My love for him is something hypnotic. My heart leaps when I think of him. My being cries tears of joy when I imagine him. In the distance I feel his protection. I feel how he protects every cell of my body. I pray to him in the day and every night. I try to be a warrior of pure heart, with a transcendent soul

Estaré lista/ Stares lista/ I´ll be ready

El estado de no-mente es apaciguador. Silente, silente está mi esencia. Todo mi ser está compuesto de placidez. Soy un imán para la serenidad. Camino por las calles como feliz observador de las maravillas existentes. Los fenómenos son TU creación y yo absorbo toda TU belleza. Eres invisible, pero palpable en cada detalle de este mundo. Unos ven, porque están despiertos, otros aún están ciegos y tropiezan veces.  Mi fe es trascendente, mi confianza substancial. Guardo TU sabiduría en mi corazón y repito una y otra vez las plegarias. Y cuando envíes a TU Hijo, yo estaré vigilante y lista.  Lo stato di non-mente e' rassicurante. Silenzio, silenzio è la mia essenza. Tutto il mio essere è fatto di placidità. Sono una calamita per la serenità. Cammino per le strade come un felice osservatore delle meraviglie esistenti. I fenomeni sono la TUA creazione e io assorbo tutta la TUA bellezza. Sei invisibile, ma palpabile in ogni dettaglio di questo mondo. Alcuni vedono, perché sono svegli, alt

I/Yo/ Io

I don't have a watch, but if I did it would always be now. It's my favourite time. "Now" my distinguished adverb. My being, myself, my favourite subject. The present opens the doors to well-being, it's my peculiar addiction, a way of looking at life already. The immediate observation of your thoughts makes you the destroyer of your ego. This ego that only causes pain, anguish and fear in your being, because it only feels comfortable travelling in time. It is only a stepping stone between the past and the future because it cannot survive in the present. It is the cause of mental chaos, it is the executor of panic, it is the sower of doubt, it is the builder of unreality, it is the enemy of your consciousness. But I do not allow myself to be drawn into the noisy commotion caused by this imaginative little voice. I immediately cut off this rascal's scroll, for I limit myself to remaining in the present moment, in a state of no-mind. So I fully enjoy my 'time&

now.../ ahora.../ ora...

Her canary sings while she writes verses of love. Her heart is full of great dreams that she wants to fulfil, and she is not fooled by other hostile minds that sometimes leave a humiliating mark on her being. She has a wide horizon and has a map of the world with a small heart tattooed on her wrist, so that she is always reminded that love and peace should be number one on the planet and that they don't seem to be just a cliché. She radiates tenderness, has a calm mind and ignores the thieves of peace, aware of their importance, because if she invests in them, no one will ever be able to rule them. As he walked along the streets, he was saddened by so much poverty. He doesn't understand why there are so many unjustified fights. When he turns on the television, he sees news of war and destruction, fires, earthquakes and many other disasters. He does not claim to be the saviour of the world, but at least he aspires to his own conscious essence. He wants experiences in the now, to