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Ella sigue adelante/She goes forward

Ella decide alejarse de su burbuja amorosa
elige marcharse de ese entorno dañino para así evitar sus enraizados pensamientos que no se ocultan y son de naturaleza devastadora. 
Piensa que su amor solo es unilateral y eso derrumba su presente, son pequeñas pesadillas, sueños diurnos enfermizos que causan un colapso interno, un patatús. 
Ella conoce la salida de este delirio, sabe como librarse de su amargura, pero no lo quiere del todo y nunca avanza, nunca logra el salto hacía la liberación de su herida interna y desperdicia su tiempo imaginando que él cambie, su situación cambie para enloquecer juntos y atinar con la congenialidad que un día formó una abismal unión.  Ella no es capaz de pasar página porque él se adentró en su alma, tanto que le resultaba irrealizable borrar la huella que marcó a fuego en su espíritu. Dejó su corazón en llamas y ella se quemó aunque no solía jugar con fuego. De todas formas en la actualidad aun no existía un extintor de incendios para corazones ardientes. Así que su salida de este infierno era explorar la frialdad y el despego. Debía mostrar su indiferencia y optar por la apatía. Ella tenía que adoptar una postura de indolencia y preferir su retiro, porque ella sabía que si él no despertaba a tiempo, él la perdería y se convertiría en su recuerdo y un sentimiento de amargor. 

She decides to walk away from her loving bubble
she chooses to leave this harmful surroundings to avoid her rooted thoughts that do not hide and mainly are of devastating nature. 
Her love is just unilateral and demolishes her present, small nightmares, very sickly day dreams that cause an collapse, a faint.
She knows the exit of this delirium, she knows how to escape from her distress, but she does not want it and she never advances, she never achieves the jump to the liberation of her internal wound and she wastes her time imagining that perhaps one day he will change, that his situation will change to go mad together again and to hit on the congeniality that one day formed an abysmal union.  She is not capable to turn the page because he penetrated into her soul, so much that it was turning out to be unrealizable to her to erase the trace that he marked to fire in her spirit. He left her heart in flames and she was burned although she did not play with fire. A fire extinguisher did not exist for ardent hearts. So her only exit of this hell was to explore the coldness and the indifference. She had to show her disregard and choose for the apathy. She had to adopt an indolence position and had to prefer her retirement, because she knew that if he was not waking up on time, he would lose her and would turn into her memory and a feeling of bitterness.

by So Sunny


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